Saturday, June 26, 2010

Learning Speed/Speed Learning?

I've found that this research experience has really helped my learning speed. With no demonstrators hovering about and everyone equally engrossed in their own projects, I've had to push myself to learn quicker in order to get my work done. I'm quite confortable with mysql now, compared to the beginning of the project, when I had to read up on the basic steps to set up a Connection!

Yesterday I started learning the Korean alphabet, I continued with it today and am surprised at my progress. Not only am I learning quickly, but the most important thing is that I'm pushing myself to complete each lesson without procrastinating. Yesterday I read my first word (바나나), just now I typed my first sentence: 아이-라이크-바나나! \(ㅇㅂㅇ )*

This is the site I'm using to learn, highly recommended! When I first started learning Japanese, I printed out the alphabet charts to learn. The wonders of the Internet...for some reason I find Korean vocabulary harder to learn than Japanese, but being able to read everything (pesky kanji) should help. Right now, most of my vocab comes from watching and listening to 슈주 (Super Junior)...

I heard that South Korea are out of the World Cup...too bad! They were pretty much the only team I was interested in, mainly because I love the attire of the Red Devils (Korea team supporters).

*with bonus emoticon!

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